Painting: 13 (Marseille, 13003, Belle de Mai and 74 (Haute-Savoie, Thorens Glières)
2021 – 2022
Technique: Painting (Acrylic and Aerosol) – Permanent production
Location: Belle de mai: Marseille boulevard national and Rue Levat and Haute-Savoie: Thorens Glières.
Sick leave, all projects OFF. Inability to manage the stress of emails and all the administrative stuff, Treatments, operations and all the side effects… A lot of psychological, physical, sports work. Alternative medicine and parallel care…
But there is where I live, where I spend time. The desire not to want to bury myself, to see myself remain inactive, the desire to do a little, to feel capable. Not being able to work full time is one thing but a little creative pleasure from time to time, for morale, ego and the joy of the action accomplished….And then the wonder of those whose eyes shine when seeing this little decor of everyday life that wants to embellish…
I chose places that hurt my eyes with their “abandonment”, sadness or just neglect. Walls where I want to put colors, for those who live there, who walk the street or the road. A balm for the heart, for others, and for me. To remind me. To scatter colors. Obsession with the spectrum, optimism, poetry, everywhere, all the time.
To leave flowers, colors on the path.
“Perennial” creation, at the foot of my building in Marseille, at the Belle de Mai, 13003 represents! (tribute to the moon, to the communities of the Belle de Mai) And then a street right next door, rue Levat, following an impromptu meeting (thanks to the internet) (Visuel Soleil et Lune), and finally, in Haute-Savoie, with granny superstar, not far from her farm where I am most often at the moment. At the entrance to the village of Thorens Glières. (Visual Mandala: flowers. Not far from the famous Plateau des Glières, where I celebrated my 40th birthday at the Spée refuge: Motto of the place: Live free or die! Free, in health, in love, knowing how to contemplate. Express yourself. Have rights. In a country without bombs today. How lucky. Freedom.