This post is a tribute to someone who left too early.
There was a place in Marseille where I had a studio for 4 years. In this place, there were a lot of people, a real anthill of individuals all so different from each other. And then among those ants, there was the queen of ants. Queen by her presence, her aura, her voice, her creativity, her living force of work. She was the mother of an army of paper ants that she made, in their decor of white leaves.
Many of the local ants did not come to the anthill often, but she was here all the time. She was habited by the desire to do, to create, to share, to unite. Inordinate desire to implement, to create poetry, to push rants, to bring into existence who she was. Talk about feminism, struggles, equality, environmental protection. She was one of my best friends. The only one who came to see me all the time, to encourage me, to share, to tell me about it. We understood each other. We were a bit the same. Under appearances of big mouths with too much ego, under festive demons, under an indestructibility that others believed, we were alone, vulnerable, raw. Sad, angry, seeking balance in our long loneliness and despair. We created, supported each other. Inexhaustible workers. She was my friend. My Clem. A real, beautiful, honest and whole person. I understood his shortcomings, his frustrations. We shared things together! And then in 3 sad days of a December month, unpredictably, leukemia took him away. Her heart suddenly stopped beating on December 16, 2018. She was 35 years old. Her name was Clémence Doutre.
I made a promise to myself, that of continuing to bring it to life, to bring its art and its memory to life in one way or another. Because we too often forget the deads people. But they are part of us. Acceptance is difficult but they have been and their memory will remain. So whether it’s here, on instagram or facebook or on stickers in the city you will find her because she will follow me, like the others whose list is too long.
But she was my friend. I had chosen her in my life, she had chosen me.
I miss her.
I love you Clem!
Oscar and Simon are doing well! Thoughts for them but especially his dad and his mom, the brother and his darling!
Have fun up there and protect us if you’re not too busy.
The fight here beats continues mingled with a passion to defend!
As for me, I will not forget you, I have changed anthills now, but you remain in my heart, on my walls and on my skin.
Below is the first time I put a name on a wall. his. White birds as a sign of mourning and peace. And tattoo one of these Santa-Vulva on the skin! She made them full of Santa-vulva! just like ants of paper, cardboard, lianas of leaves and drawings galore!
This month of month, it will be your birthday…
Clémence Doutre is dead; Long live Clémence Doutre!
Photo credit with the scale: Stéphane Bailby