Let’s talk about association and learn more simple acts for the daily life…

Eat better to preserve the nature and ourself. That’s why, at the bottom, a little simple calendar who lists the most important seasonal fruits and vegetables. (for the north hemisphere)

But why eat organic seasonal fruits and vegetables?

-They are less expensive (There is no transport by fly or truck..no storage)

-Their flavor is really better. The don’t grow up in a truck for example…and have no pesticide and no gamma radius extract from radioactive substance who increase the life of the fruits in bad conditions.

-We can easily consume local products and avoid the Excessive transport pollutants .

-If mother nature create tomatoes in summer and cabbage in winter it’s for a good reason and that we have different requierement according to the seasons.We respect mother nature >>>>we give to our body natural food>>>We have a better health. (Fruits and vegetables who grow up artificially lost 70 percent of their vitamins and nutrient).

-Respect the natural rhythm, it decrease the glass house culture, who need a lot of energy and products sometimes harmful and excessive water contribution.

-Pesticides pollute the groundwater, rivers and finally seas and oceans. Animals and men consume this water. And don’t forget that we are at the top of the food chain.

-Fruits and vegetables cultivate off season could be for example cultivate in Africa by rich business-man.  But the local have no choice to cultivate products for Western people instead of thier own food! Very often, the earnings are win by the business-men, not the farmers.

Are you conviced?

On the internet, a lot of documents can give you a lot of informations about this…Enjoy!

Click on the picture to save it, print it and hang it in your kitchen!
