Technical: Paper Folded (recycling paper, repaint or from magazine, stick on a bcakground black with texture (Painting, glue, dust, clay, sand)
Support: Wood frame and stretched canvas)


SPECTRUM: The equilateral triangle: balance, femininity, harmony, mountain, spirituality, geometry, quantum physics, diamond, structure, reflection.
Created by hundreds of birds in flight: small and large, multicolored, all the same yet all different: in our image.

FUCK – Swear words, anger. It is misery and rage that are inspired, it is love, hope, and colors that are exhaled.
The colors are optimistic, but the message is born from outbursts….
The balance of the world. Binarity. Paradox. Taking care of the living, of others…

FUCK the forests we cut down for soy farming to feed intensively raised animals, FUCK the malice directed at other human beings, FUCK the loss of common sense, FUCK the fossil fuels we plunder, FUCK mass overconsumption, FUCK the abuse of yachts, cruise ships, and private jets, FUCK these inequalities, FUCK the fighting, the bombs dropped, FUCK the children dying of hunger, FUCK the pollution of water and air, FUCK the disappearance of animal species, FUCK our self-destructive human management, focused on money and power, FUCK the lack of wonder and poetry, FUCK the lobbies of all kinds, FUCK the manipulation via the media, FUCK this culture of rape, murder, and fear…
We owe it to ourselves To accept death, the loss of loved ones, old age, illness—why add to it?
Our Earth’s surface is in a fragile balance that we continue to damage little by little because we don’t want to question our consumption patterns and ways of thinking… Too bad…
Let’s learn, understand, and protect.
Thank you